Artist Talk with Michael Kang

Join Lonnie Lee and get to know artist Michael Kang.
ZOOM Meeting: 833 2161 4080 
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Click to view IN MOTION WITH MICHAEL KANG exhibit >

Vessel Gallery has included the dynamic paintings of Micheal Kang in several group shows - Motive (2017)Excuse Me Can I See Your ID II (2021), and Flow (2022).  Presenting the first solo exhibition of his latest works, In Motion with Michael Kang shows online thru June 11, 2023.

During our talk, we will hear from Michael about his studio practice, the inspiration for these latest works, and the resourcefulness with which he telegraphs his day-to-day events. What we see and learn from from our own intuitive viewing may, through the words and testimony of the creator, become a completely new surprise filled with fresh stories of his creations on canvas.  Come spend the evening with us, and hear how expression for this artist started at an early age through the physicality of breakdancing. Kang speaks to his years of movement:  "I often see painting through the same dance; this place of rawness and personal expression that can speak to like-minded people and bond you with others. It's a moment you can rehearse but happens uniquely over time.  You can see a part of a person through their dance. Dancing gave to me endlessly, and I could speak on it endlessly..."  We are excited to learn more and offer you the opportunity to ask questions and connect with Michael.